Wow. We are already in March and if you feel anything like me, 2020 is zipping by. I’m here for it! I know this year has been a bit of a wild ride for a ton of people given the angsty feel of recent social media posts, conversations, news coverage, etc.

And not to sound “above it all”–but honestly, I’ve been so at peace and cruising through. I am not sure if it’s bc previous years have been bumpy for me so this feels like smooth seas OR if God has simply honored my prayers with good ol’ solid grand to stand on finally.

In any case, as we’re learning about the Coronavirus of 2020, I’m trying to keep it together and think of the positive things. A bright spot is literally this bright coat I scored from Zara at 50% off. I love it’s bold color and the “boyfriend” style fit. It’s a bit boxier than I go for, but still cozy and of course–cute!
Pink has always been my fave color for trinkets, housewares, and random accessories–but it isn’t usually my fave to wear. This coat changes the game on that rule.

Check out where to purchase here!