Today’s Post: My Current Reading List & Playlist

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I am currently immersing myself into the latest works of my friends. It’s always cool to be around people who are creating and visualizing and ACTUALIZING. So yes, this is exciting. Bloggers Can’t Be Trusted is a novel written by Starrene Rhett Rocque, a college classmate and fellow campus newspaper staff member. Those were the good old days–when we reported, wrote and dreamed of days when the whole campus would be moved by our words. Now the whole world can eat them up with her latest work.

April was a busy month for Hampton U alums–as StarGazers, the latest work from artist Duran Butler, was also released. I did a quick, one-to-two minute preview of each of the album’s 10 songs and I am hooked! Behold hip hop–dressed just how I like it: HONEST; with infectious bass lines and lyrics that make you think after the music stops.

Check em both out and let me know what you think! I’ll do the same *wink*

‘Where to Buy’ Deets

Bloggers Can’t Be Trusted – purchase here

Stargazers – purchase here

Stephanie XO

Your homegirl in the digital world. Encourager. Joy junkie. Overcomer and comeback queen. I cheer for underdogs and share with women how they can come out of the shadows and live purposeful, powerful lives! 💗

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